
Who are we?

We are people who have joined forces to change the world a little. Together we have founded the organization ORE MI (my friend). The board consists of five people: Olajumoke Awonuga (advisor), Nicole Grossenbacher (secretary), Noemi Lerch (president), Selina Lerch (responsible for accounting) and Damara Moser (responsible for social media).

Our Philosophy

We believe in a better world and are committed to it. We are aware that we cannot support all people, although we would like to do so. However, we believe that even small amounts of support can make a lasting difference to lives. We do our best!


First and foremost, the organization aims to meet the basic needs of families in Nigeria. Basic needs include: Education, food, clothing, housing, medical care and social welfare.

Family systems that are unable to meet basic needs for various reasons are to be supported. The aim is for families to be able to live their lives independently and self-determined.

Our Goals

Our goals are:

  • to support families so that they can live their lives in a self-determined way in the future.
  • protect the basic needs of families. 


The organization consists of members. Each person can decide which type of membership they choose. A general meeting is held annually. Every member is free to volunteer for the association. Click here to get directly to the registration form.